Tuesday, September 2, 2008

"The rain, rain, rain came down, down, down".... by Mary

Recently in Chattanooga, it has been raining like crazy, and our flat rubber roofs don’t like that. So yesterday when I was getting pencils from the bar (right under the stairs to the boys’ room) I felt a water drop fall on my arm. I looked up and saw many drops falling and there was a puddle on the floor and plastic storage drawers. I got Mom and we pulled down the stairs to find out part of the ceiling had fallen down and water was leaking in from outside. We set up buckets and towels under the leak (which was a hole where the ceiling tiles had fallen down) and Susie and Mom (I took pictures) went on the roof and found over a half a foot of water on the roof above the boys room! We have this problem a lot after it rains where the scuppers (gutter drains pretty much) get clogged and then water builds up (since the roof is flat). So Susie and Mom cleaned out the scuppers and the water drained fine, although we still have a ceiling with a BIG hole in it!

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