As the official book reviewer for the Zeglen blog, I’m going to start off with a new favorite author whose books I recently started reading.
In the past few weeks I have gotten Mom hooked on reading Randy Alcorn’s books. Currently we are reading his Ollie Chandler series: Deadline, Dominion, and Deception. Each book has great character development along with ideas about what heaven and hell will be like. In Deadline we meet three men who are in a car accident. One ends up in heaven, the other in hell, and the third wondering why he is alive and what happens after you die. Dominion begins with a senseless murder plunging the main character into a desperate hunt to find answers to this violence and to his own struggles with race and faith. I especially love how each of Randy Alcorn’s books pictures what heaven might be like.
NOTE: I have not read the final book: Deception. I gave it to Mom as her birthday gift and am eagerly waiting to read it.
Randy Alcorn also has two other exceptional fiction books: Lord Foulgrin’s Letters and The Ishbane Conspiracy. Both of these books are like modern day Screwtape Letters. In Lord Foulgrin’s Letters there is a demon writing to another demon telling him how to win a certain man and his family to the demons’ side. Interwoven in the letters there is the story of a man struggling to find answers to what he is supposed to do with his life. The Ishbane Conspiracy is about four teenagers who are being attacked by demons. Both books are incredibly well done.
Randy Alcorn is also well known for his non-fiction books. Currently we are reading through The Treasure Principle in family devotions. The theme of The Treasure Principle is, “You can’t take it with you – but you can send it on ahead.”
All of Randy Alcorn’s books are thought provoking and inspiring. I highly recommend reading them. 
1 comment:
Hooray for a book reviewer! I need to read those books.
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