We haven't posted in awhile because we have been super busy with life. I am writing now to give you a brief update on things that have happened since we last posted...with pictures, of course:-)
While Stephen was in town Dad, Steve,
Kevin carrying all of the kids except for the photographer ;-).
The Christmas lights at Rock City with friends.

Susie, Peter and Kathy went shooting.

Kidnapping Dad to the Ruffs for the weekend.
Those are a couple of things we did recently. We loved having Stephen for 10 days over the holidays and Kevin for 2! We don't get to see them enough :-(. We will try not to let 2 MONTHS pass before posting again!
HEY!!! I love all your pictures. Especially the one of all those people on the dock, they look nice-who are they? :) We miss you!
PS: I wonder if Kelly could pick us all up? Hmmm.
*falls over in shock* They're alive! Do tell. You really should post more; I was going through Zeglen withdrawl. (Don't make some smart aleck comment back about how I never post either, or I'll come back with a sarcastic Lydia Wickam comment; you can guess which ;-D.)
Taylor - Kelly could pick us up...good thinking! Miss you, too!
Susan - We are hoping to keep posting regularly! I am not going to say anything about your blog, but I am going through Susan withdrawl!
Yay! Pitures! So lovely.
I need to tell you about my latest cooking adventure sometime, Mary dearest. :) It didn't turn out so well, actually, but it was fun anyway!
and dearests, I am glad you made a comment about mutual blog withdrawl, because I am dying to know which Lydia Wickam qoute shall be issued. DId you know the old Lydia is in Cranford? She looks so much older.
Lydia is in Cranford??? I didn't notice. Hmmm. I can't believe I didn't.
And as to the Lydia comment, I would have to tell Mary (et al) that they can write blog posts as often as they like, but married women have more important things to do ;-). Hehe. Riiiight.
There, Mary. I posted. Pretend it was just for you ;-).
We did notice that Lydia was in Cranford. She was old, but her dresses were a lot better!!! Susan - I love that you posted! and I like the new "skin" of your blog!
Hannah - I am ready to hear about your cooking adventure! And I love that you posted, too! In english!!!
YAY for the Lydia qoute! Yeah, she's that Mr. Brown's daughter or whoever he is whose daughter died and the pickly faced old sister walked with her in the funeral. And that captain dude proposed to her and she turned him down bc of India.
and also, Cranford has a whole slew of actors from other BBC and British movies: Charlotte Lucas from the new P and P, Mr. Bingley from the new P and P, the two older sisters from Wives and Daughters, Mrs. Hale from North and South, Mrs. Jenning's daughter from Sense and Sensibility (who was also in David Copperfield), Hyacinth (sp?) from Wives and Daughters, the adorably cute little kid from Water Horse, and Lady Catherine DeBourgh from the new P and P. This is how you know you've watched too many BBC movies, when even your dad starts to recognize them :)
OH! And also Mr. Willoughby from S&S. They also reuse estates from time to time, you start to recognize the grand buildings. It's almost as bad as David Copperfield which also had heaps of peeps in it.
Wow, you guys notice EVERYTHING!!!
OH! And actually, after watching more of Cranford, we see Squire Hamley of Hamely Hall join the cast of characters that are played by other reoccuring BBC actors :)
Hello Zeglens! It is too bad that you can't come down this weekend! I hope you can come soon!!!!
ok, peoples, it's time to post again! :)
fine, I'll be threatening. Ahem! If you don't post within 2 days, and continue posting, I will cut you off from my blog readers. :)
Dearest Twiggy we finally posted.
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