Day 1. Driving, driving, and more driving.
Day 2. Go to graduation, eat at Cracker Barrel, crash at the hotel.
Day 3. Driving to Port Aransas (which included taking a ferry to go to the island); looking for a place to spend the night since the hotel we were planning on was booked!
Day 4. Going to the beach and pool, getting sunburned, leaving the beach and staying the night at the Embassy Suites.
You didn't mention the car games:)
looks very fun and busy!! Did you like Race? I love it!! Have you ever played that game I'm going so and so and taking...when you take different things in alphabetical order? We've been playing that a ton lately and we've been doing it with ppls names (I went for a walk and met) Only I started doing what we call inversions, like instead of meeting Sarah Z for S I'd say Zeglen, Sarah for Z. :)
yes, per kathys request, we played " i'm going on a road trip and i'm taking..."
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