Saturday, April 11, 2009

by Mary

a little bit late, but...

Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday dear Susie,
Happy Birthday to you!

And many more...

Yes, someone turned 13 on April 1st. We celebrated with burgers and a Dairy Queen chocolate peanut butter cup ice cream cake. Yum! Susie got some fun presents, including birthday money from Mom and Dad that she used to buy a schnazzy camera! Happy Birthday, Susie!


Susan said...

Yum, the cake sounds quite tasty. *sigh* I'm a horrible friend. For some reason I have a hard time remembering Susie's birthday. You'd think it would be easy since it's so close to my own, but it actually makes it harder :-P. So here's a belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SUSIE! from a neglectful friend. . .

twiggy said...

I have been so confused about Susie's birthday, when we were little-I could have sworn we had it written down as the fifth, the day between Erin's and Sarah's. Now, I find out that it's the first. Oh well, I guess Susie was the biggest April fool's day joke ever! :) just kidding See you SOON!

Taylor said...

guys, you really need to get bitten by the blogging bug!

Zeglen fam said...

Yes, Susie's cake was quite tasty.



Zeglen fam said...

The blogging bug?


twiggy said...

ummm.....a new post? and I think someone is overdue on a disc of pics!! :)

une_fille_d'Ève said...

"Dairy Queen chocolate peanut butter cup ice cream cake"

Oh... my... GOODNESS

Could a cake sound more awesome????????

Just make me super-duper, extremely, hugely, wildly jealous.


You all have very good taste.

Taylor said...

i'm going to de-invite you from my party if you don't post soon!!!!!

Zeglen fam said...

the pics are coming eventually! but yes, they are quite overdue. Dad was out of town and i need him to figure out why the pic computer is acting so crazy!
